The Impact of Existing and Potential Competition of Product Market on Disclosure Quality of Companies Listed on Tehran Stock Exchange Using Factor Analysis on Competition Variables


shahid chamran university


This study investigated the relationship between product market competition and disclosure quality of 131 companies listed on Tehran stock exchange within 17 industries and during the period of 2007-2013. First, in order to assess the market more accurately, eight common competition indicators were used. Then using factor analysis technique, these indicators were summarized into three factors: potential competition, existing competition and industry profitability. Finally, the research hypotheses were tested using panel data with fixed effects. Results suggest that there is a significant positive relationship between potential competition and disclosure quality, while the relationship between existing competition and disclosure quality is significant and negative. In other words, the level of disclosure quality regarding these two dimensions of competition was determined. This means that if potential competition is stronger than existing competition, companies are forced to disclose reliable and timely information. Meanwhile, if existing competition is stronger than their potential competition, it is not essential for companies to disclose the reliable and timely information. Therefore, the tendency to increase the level of disclosure quality in these companies is low.


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