The Relationship between Earnings Quality and Insolvency Risk

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ferdowsi university of Mashhad

2 islamic azad university of Neyshabur


The main purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between earnings quality and insolvency risk of the listed companies in Tehran Stock Exchange. To achieve this aim, Ohlson and Altman models were applied for evaluating insolvency as the dependent variable, also optional obligation items and adjusted optional obligation items were used to evaluate the firms' earnings quality as the independent variable. Control variables, including firm size, return of assets, and financial leverage, were used to consider other effective variables during 2007-2012. In order to test research hypotheses, the multiple linear regression model was employed. The findings indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between the variables of optional obligation items and adjusted optional obligation items and Altman insolvency risk variable but a significant negative relationship with Ohlson insolvency risk variable.


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