The Relationship between Various Measures of the Company's Growth and the Ratio of Changes in Retained Earnings of the Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


1 islamic azad university of ardabil

2 islamic azad university of tehran


The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between various measures of the company's growth and the ratio of changes of retained earnings. This study is a library-analytic one and is based on panel data analysis. In this study financial information of all 101 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2008 to 2013 were reviewed. To analyze the data, Spss20, Eviews7 and Minitab16softwares have been used. The findings of the study showed a significant positive relationship between corporate profitability and relative changes in retained earnings, and also a relationship between the size of the company and the ratio of changes in retained earnings of the companies. There is, however, a significant negative relationship between the company's growth opportunity and the ratio of retained earnings change.


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