The Investigation of the Effect of Financial Leverage and Free Cash Flow on Diversification of Stocks and Financial Performance of Listed Companies

Document Type : Research Paper


islamic azad university


The present study examines the impact of financial leverage and free cash flows is based on diversification of stocks and financial performance. The study is an applied research and the research method is descriptive and retrospective. In this study, the financial information of 105 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period 2008 to 2013 has been reviewed (630 companies - the year). To analyze the data, using panel data analysis (panel data), Chow and Hausman test was usedand then the classical regression model assumptions and the results of the research model were developed. The results show a significant positive effect of the financial leverage and free cash flows on the diversification of stocks. The free cash flow also has a significant and positive effect on financial performance, while financial leverage showsa significant negative effect on the company's financial performance.


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