The Investigation of the Relationship between Managers` Risk Aversion and Financial Institutions` Performance in Market (Case Study: Mutual Funds)

Document Type : Research Paper


alzahra university


Different types of financial institutions play an important role in financial intermediation and help to solve market deficiencies problems. Mutual funds are kinds of financial institutions that allocate investor's funds in different financial portfolios such as securities. In this mechanism profit or loss of investment divides between investors based on their portion of portfolios. Regarding to the importance of mutual funds for risk averse and non-professional persons, mutual funds manager's performance is very important. Regardless of all external factors that affect managers` performance, personal characteristics have significant effects on manager's decisions and performance. Therefore, this research investigates the relationship between Investment managers` risk aversion and the performance of  financial institutions (specially mutual funds).In order to calculate the fund's performance, 4 indicators including return, portfolio risk, trading activity ratio and portfolio diversity were evaluated. In order to data analysis, first determine the effective variables through four indicators by principal component analysis method and then estimate relative OLS model. The results of this research indicate that there is a reverse significant relationship between the managers` risk aversion and mutual fund performance. 


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