The Study of the Effect of the Index of Country Risk on Tehran Stock Exchange returns

Document Type : Research Paper


urmia university


Political stability is a necessary introduction for achieving economic growth and development. In this study, the impact of country risk index on the Tehran Stock Exchange price index rate of return was evaluated. To do so, the non-linear approach Markov-Switching was applied. Other variables used are: market exchange rate, OPEC oil prices, the rate of return on housing prices, the price of Iran Gold Coin (old design), and inflation rate in the period of 1380/01 to 1392/12 (Iranian Calendar) based on a monthly basis. The results indicate that the probability of transition from regime 0 to regime 0 (P_00) is high. Therefore, this regime (average country risk) is more stable than regime one (high country risk) and the regime 0 is the most stable regime. The result of MSIH (2)-AR (2) model parameters by using maximum likelihood estimates show most factors are significant at the level of 10%. And country risk index during both regimes (medium and high risk) have a negative effect. The effect coefficient, however, in regime 1 (high risk) is greater than that in 0 regime. Therefore, investors are suggested, before investing in the stock market, to pay attention to the position of Iran in country risk index.


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