The Study of the Effect of Risk Stimulating Variables on Financing Constraints in Firms Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange

Document Type : Research Paper


east tehran, islamic azad university


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of risk stimulating variables on financing constraints in firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. Financial constraints are one of the main issues facing all companies. Conventional methods for studying the relationship between financial constraints, the cash investment firms are classified into two groups of companies with financial constraints and financial constraints.  In line with this objective, information of 87 companies in a 5-year period, from 2008 to 2012 which is available on the target population was selected and then analyzed using Eviews7 software. Test results show that there is a relationship between the deviation margin and asset turnover constraints and also between deviation in profit and financing constraints. There is also a relationship between the average financial leverage and financing constraints. The significant correlation, however, between the average debt leverage operational and constraints in financing was not approved. So it seems that investors should pay more attention in their decision making to criteria such as currencies deviation, SD profit margins and moderate financial leverage which leads to greater profit and efficiency.


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