The Investigation of the Relationship between Capital Structure and Abnormal Returns (Evidence from Tehran Stock Exchange)

Document Type : Research Paper


islamic azad university


The current research is intended to study the relationship between the method of financing (capital structure) and abnormal returns of the firms listed in Tehran Stock Exchange. The research was done within the time range of 2009-2013. The sample included 133 firms of 23 different industries. This study is applied in purpose and correlation- descriptive in method. To test the models, the Chaw test was firstly used and it was indicated that Panel method should be applied. Then, Hausman test was applied for incorporating Panel method’s random effects or proof effects. Finally, the value of presentation model and the results obtained from classic regression assumptions were stated, separate hypotheses have been tested by using regression models. The findings showed that there is a reverse meaningful relationship between firms’ book leverage and their cumulative abnormal returns. However, there is not a meaningful relationship with a 95% confidence between market leverage and cumulative abnormal returns.


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