The Effect of Predicting Profit by Management on Risk and Firm Value

Document Type : Research Paper


payam noor university


The present research investigates the relationship between predicting profit by management and firm value and risk via using historical data of 110 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during 2009 to 2013. It is expected that companies, which have policy of profit forecast disclosure, have higher returns and less risks in comparison with other companies. It can be said that it is the reason of higher assurance of capital market to these companies. The research method is descriptive and solidarity. Beta coefficient was used as the criterion of systematic risk and Q Tobins as the criterion of firm value in this research. Moreover, in order to test the research hypotheses, regression models were used in which predicting profit by management is considered as independent variable and firm value as dependent variable. The results of the research indicate that predicting profit per share of management has significant effect on firm value, while those predictions have no impact on stock risk of the companies under study.


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