The Investigation of the Effect of Credit Power in Companies Listed in Tehran Stock Exchange on Market Value of Equity Volatility

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student of phd in emam sadegh university

2 islamic azad university of semnan


In the present study, the effect of credit power in companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange on market value of equity volatility will be discussed. To measure the credit power of companies, the quick ratio measures amount of trade credit (net amount of liabilities to affiliated companies) and total current liabilities (including bank loans and trade accounts payable) was used to measure the volatility of the market value of equity‌, five-year standard deviation of the operation. In the course of this research, formulation of hypotheses and systematic removal of 137 companies by sampling, the 5-year period 2011- 2014 were selected with reference to their financial statements, the information necessary to measure the variables, extraction and statistical tests on they were carried out. Research data analysis, using multiple regression using panel data and random effects, suggests that firstly, quick ratio decrease has significant positive effect on the equity market value in volatility; secondly, reducing the amount of credit commercial (net amount of liabilities to affiliated companies) has non-significant negative impact on the market value of equity volatility, and ultimately, an increase in total current liabilities (including bank loans and trade accounts payable) has positive and significant effect on the volatility of the equity market.


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