The Effect of Deviation from the Optimal Level of Cash Holding on the Marginal Value of Cash Holding

Document Type : Research Paper


1 payam noor university

2 islamic azad university of rasht


The purpose of the present research is to investigate the effect of deviation from the optimal level cash holding on the marginal value of cash holding. Statistical population of this research is companies listed on Tehran stock exchange, and statistical sample were selected between these companies that including 101 companies over the period 2010-2014.This research was used panel data, generalized least squares and multivariate regression to estimate and examine research models.This research is totally inductive and correlative from viewpoint of nature and aim.Results indicate that marginal value of cash is higher in firms with less optimal level of cash holding than firms with more optimal level of cash holding. On the other hand, results reveal that marginal value of cash in firms with positive excess cash is less than the face value of each Rial and also in firms with negative excess cash is more than the face value of each Rial.


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