Developing a Model and Quantitative Analysis of Monetary and Fiscal Services of Banks Based on Functional Aspects in Green Banking

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Khalij fars university

2 Islamic Azad university


The present study aimed to identify aspects of the functional model in green banking. The main aspects of the research model were adopted from the literature in the field of monetary and financial services of banks based on the functional aspects in green banking that were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data. The study population consisted of 150 branch managers, bank deputy chairmen, university professors, Ph.D. and M.A. students. Thus, the method of Cochrane in the error of 5% and 95% was used to calculate the sample size. 109 questionnaires were distributed among them 100 ones were returned. In order to achieve the goal of research, fuzzy multiple attribute decision making techniques were used to gain weight and priority for each of the factors considered in the research model. The main elements of this model are: retail banking, corporate and investment banking, asset management and green insurance. The results of the prioritization based on the above mentioned method show that retail banking is of very high importance. Therefore, the bank managers are suggested to make the most of the benefits of this crucial factor by determining appropriate strategies.


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