Industry Based Style Investing and Herding Behaviour in Industry Level and Momentum Strategy Among Retail Investors

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Accounting Department, University of Isfahan

2 Economy Department, University of Isfahan


In this research, the application of "industry based style investing" and the momentum strategy among retail investors have been studied. In style investing, selection process takes place in two steps. First, target style and then one of the members of target style are chosen. In this research, target style is industry. In industry based style invesing, the choice of investment is not based on the information of a particular firm, but with the attention of industry level information. A sample of 22 industries was selected through a systematic elimination from the listed firms in Tehran Stock Exchange between 2008 and 2014. The results showed that the industry is used as a "style" by retail investors. However, the use of the momentum strategy among retail investors has not been observed and is seen against the reverse strategy. It seems that in the industry level, negative news is more effective and herd behavior for selling is significant. High activity on sell side may be due to the pessimism of retail  investors


Main Subjects

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