Efficiency Evaluation of Fireflies Optimization Algorithms And vector support regression Forecast Cost of Capital

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate of Department of accounting, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad Uninersity, Tehran, Iran


Cost of capital is the minimum output rate expected by investors; this expected output rate is determined considering the risk of the company. Cost of capital refers to the cost of financing the company in order for investment or provision of working capital that consists of two parts: The cost of financing from long-term debts with interest and the cost of financing from the rights of shareholders. Cost of capital is the cost of long-term financing of the company. Companies, using debts and rights of shareholders, provide financial sources and use them in assets. In this research, using financial information of 97 company during the years of 2011 to 2017, using with help of accounting variables, it was attempted to predict cost of capital in companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between debt ratio ratios, growth opportunity, sales growth, ownership type (political relationship), fixed asset ratio, size of company with capital cost; and Vector machine regression and firefly algorithm, using the mentioned variables, has about 93 percent ability to predict cost of capital of the companies listed on Tehran Stock Exchange.


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