Dividend Policies under Liquidity Uncertainty Conditions with Real Options

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Semnan University

2 Professor, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran,

3 PHD student. Faculty of Economics and Management, Semnan University


The main purpose of this paper was to examine the dividend policy under the conditions of liquidity uncertainty using natural options. As one of the most important issues of financial management, Dividend policy is , in fact, a basis for valuing companies. The value of all companies is equal to the total present value of their future cash flows. Investors will receive two types of returns in return for accepting investment risk in the company, including cash benefits and capital gains (due to changes in stock value). Stock profits are the most important source of cash payments to shareholders and therefore. As a result, they are of great importance. In this paper, after introducing the method of real discretion and its variants, the randomization optimization problem has been introduced and discussed. Specifically, Monte Carlo simulation method was used to solve numerical problems. The results indicated that earnings and growth opportunities had a positive effect on the value of the company. Finally, the mutual effects of equity and debt income also made a U-shaped relationship in the company's value. Also, there was a negative relationship between accumulated profits and external financing costs.


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