Identifying and Prioritizing Factors Affecting Investor Decision Making: A Model Based on Investor Attitude and Behavior

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student in accounting, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan branch, Sirjan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Sirjan Branch, Sirjan, Iran


In financial-behavioral theory, analyzing the impact of investor attitude and behavior on investment decisions can lead to a fair distribution of service to capital market actors. Establishing such equity requires identifying and prioritizing the important factors that influence investor decision-making behaviors. Therefore, the present study has attempted to identify the factors influencing investor attitude and behavior in investment decision making, and by their conceptual and operational definition, and the formulation of their relationship, develop a comprehensive decision making model based on investor behavior and attitude in Tehran Stock Exchange. In order to formulate the research model and fit it, 350 questionnaires were distributed by non-random sampling method and 225 questionnaires were completed and collected. Factor analysis was used to test the data obtained from the questionnaire. The main components of the research include understanding of their performance, financial ability, cognitive bias, behavioral attitude and investor optimal decision making. Findings of the study indicate that understanding of their performance is negatively and significantly correlated with behavioral attitude and positively and significantly correlated with financial ability. Also, other research results show that behavioral attitude has a negative and significant relationship with investor optimal decision, but financial ability has a positive and significant relationship with investor optimal decision.


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