Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality and Stock Market Performance: A quantile regression approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty of management and economics, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Prof Faculty of Management , University of Alzahra , Tehran, Iran

3 Islamic Azad University Tehran Branch/ Finance associate professor

4 Islamic Azad University E-Campus, Tehran, Iran


Financial markets play an influential role in economic development and most developed countries have more dynamic and stronger financial markets. Due to this market’s crucial role in the process of economic development, several studies have evaluated the role of financial markets in economy and Its effects on performance. These studies have often confirmed the positive impact of financial markets on the economic growth of countries. One of the most important components of financial markets is the stock market which in most countries, along with the banking sector, plays an effective role in financial resources allocation. Several factors can affect stock market returns. One of these is the government effectiveness, the regulatory quality, and the rule of law. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to study the role of government effectiveness, Regulatory quality and rule of law on stock returns in Iran and selected developing countries. For this purpose, the data of the period 2021-2000 and the quantile regression have been used.

Based on the model estimation results, at a significant level of 5%, government effectiveness, regulatory quality and rule of law have a positive and significant effect on stock market returns. Also, the effects of inflation, per capita income, exchange rate and growth of industrial production on stock market returns have been positive and significant. In contrast, the impact of crude oil prices and interest rates on stock market returns is negative and is not statistically significant at the 5% level.


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