Generalized Black-Scholes Model under Garch Volatility with Conditional value-at-risk Calculation in Derivative Pricing

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Financial Mathematics Department, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor at Financial Mathematics, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran.

3 Department, of Mathematics and Statistics, Ayatollah Borujerdi University, Borujerd, Iran.



Financial markets play an essential role in the economic development of any country, therefore, a detailed examination of these markets from various aspects is necessary. Being in these markets is always associated with a high risk, and various tools have emerged in order to reduce the risk. Option is the most common trading tool that has been introduced to the financial markets. The Black-Scholes model is used to price a wide range of options contracts. The basic assumption in this model is the constant volatility of returns, which is not a suitable assumption in the real world. The aim of this research is to extend the Black-Scholes model under stachistic volatilities. The innovation of this research includes an analysis of the pricing performance of the models during the short, medium and long term periods with conditional value at risk for each of the prices. For this purpose, the data of Iran Khodro was used between 21/11/2020 to 14/12/2022 and the standard GARCH and threshold GARCH volatilities were calculated and used in the developed Black-Scholes model. In the following, the call option price was calculated under the Black-Scholes model with historical volatilities, the developed Black-Scholes model with standard GARCH, TGARCH and exponential GARCH. The results of the research indicate that the option price with historical volatility is closer to the real market price and also shows a more real risk due to the conditional value at risk. Finally, to test the obtained results, the price of the call option in all four assumed volatilities was calculated with Monte Carlo method and the obtained results were confirmed for the prices.


Main Subjects

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