Ranking of Financial Technology Indicators of Banks based on Fuzzy Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Financial and Insurance Management, School of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Finance (Financial Engineering), Faculty of Management, Aras International Campus, Tehran University, Aras, Iran.

3 Associate Professor of Economics, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.



In the current era, it was created using technology, on one hand, financial institutions and banks did not accept this trend, on the other hand, in the country, there has been an evaluation of the performance of certain banking institutions and institutions. Identifying and determining the importance (weight) of important factors and indicators affecting the improvement of performance and increasing the efficiency of banking institutions are very important topics, so in this opinion study using experts in the form of a questionnaire whose validity and reliability have been confirmed. Information collected and available for the time period from October to February 2022-2023, analysis method and fuzzy hierarchy analysis, indicators of the banking sector in 2 software and hardware groups and indicators of 9 main and important indicators in the region Banking. Defined by experts. The results of the ranking of financial technologies of the monetary sector show that all compatibility indices are less than 0.1, which confirms the reliability and reliability of the measurement tools. Among the obtained weights, the software tools are respectively 0.256, internet bank 0.205, and digital banking 0.193, and among the hardware tools, the out-of-branch ATMs are 0.290 and the in-branch ATMs are higher than 0.271 respectively.


Main Subjects

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