Investigating the Role of Managers 'Capacity and the Conflict of Interests in the Usefulness of Cost Stickiness: Evidence of Consciously Decisions in the Cost Stickiness Phenomenon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 shiraz university

2 Accounting, persain Gulf University, Bushehr.Iran


The purpose of this research is to answer the question whether the managers' sufficient abilities and competencies can exploit the cost-sticking positively according to the level of conflict of interest. In this regard, this research presents a model for evaluating the manager's ability and competence in cost stickiness phenomenon and empirically test it in 198 companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this study, panel data regression and data envelopment analysis were used to estimate the manager's ability and using panel data regression to investigate the stickiness administrative and sales costs in the sample. The results showed that 3.2% of the administrative and sales were sticky and also showed that if there was a mighty manager with a low interest conflict, cost stickiness would improve the performance of the business unit in the next year. In other words, the greater the ability and competencies of the manager and the less benefit of the conflict in the year of cost stickiness occurrence, the greater the cost stickiness impact on the unit's business performance positively, which is a solid reason for the managers to make consciously decisions


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